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OCT frontiers

Deep learning for ophthalmology OCT Deep learning in glaucoma with optical coherence tomography: a review Full field OCT After searching the OSA Publishing, pubmed, web of science and google scholar, I see the earliest paper related with full-field OCT appear in 2002 by Arnaud Dubois, and there are more than 200 related research papers. Among […]

Deep learning for ophthalmology OCT

Deep learning in glaucoma with optical coherence tomography: a review

Full field OCT

After searching the OSA Publishing, pubmed, web of science and google scholar, I see the earliest paper related with full-field OCT appear in 2002 by Arnaud Dubois, and there are more than 200 related research papers. Among them I found two book chapters and one review paper, which review the progress of full-field OCT.

[1-1] Full Field Optical Coherence Microscopy: Imaging and Image Processing for Micro-Material Research Applications

[1-2] Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography

[2-1] Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography as a Diagnosis Tool: Recent Progress with Multimodal Imaging

OCT in glaucoma

It’s a good and important area, but only searching google scholar, I find many researchers have done reviews in this field recently (2020).

Macular Imaging for Glaucoma Using Spectral-domain Optical Coherence Tomography: A Review

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Glaucoma: A Review

Optical coherence tomography angiography in glaucoma: a mini-review

Clinical and technical perspective of glaucoma detection using OCT and fundus images: a review

OCT in neurodegenerative diseases

Spectral-Domain OCT Measurements in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Review

Optical coherence tomography as a biomarker for diagnosis, progression, and prognosis of neurodegenerative diseases

OCT in Alzheimer’s disease: thinning of the RNFL and superior hemiretina

Optical coherence tomography in the diagnostics of neurodegenerative diseases

OCT in age-related macular degeneration

It’s mainly about the detection and monitoring of AMD using OCT, still, I can find a bunch of review paper in this field.

Segmentation of ophthalmological OCT

Automatic choroid layer segmentation from optical coherence tomography images using deep learning

A review of algorithms for segmentation of optical coherence tomography from retina

Validation of automated artificial intelligence segmentation of optical coherence tomography images

Deep-learning based, automated segmentation of macular edema in optical coherence tomography

Deep learning based retinal OCT segmentation

Many methods have been utilized to segment macular OCT images, including deep learning, which is a quite hot area. If I focus on AI-based segmentation, I’m afraid that I might have to go deep into some neural networks. I’m not vey sure about this.

As a review paper, the scope should not be too narrow or broad. If I choose full-field OCT as my review topic, I might need to read related paper, and then narrow the topic a bit.