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Chao's Blog

Author: Chao Xu

By the end of February 2022: Demonstrate the first workable fluid-shaped probe; Should be able to achieve reflecting and focusing; By the end of March 2022: Polish the result, including optimizing resolution, depth of focus, reflectance, and back-reflection Apply it to animal imaging to demonstrate ex vivo and in vivo imaging; Start writing the manuscript. […]

The paper ‘Fabrication of diffractive optical elements by programmable thermocapillary shaping of thin liquid films‘ proposed a new method to fabricate diffractive optical elements, that is, using the variable temperature distribution to induces surface tension gradients in the polymer-air interface. Gradient surface tension leads to the deformation of the interface, and the two-dimensional temperature distribution […]

If you are interested in this paper Shot-noise limited, supercontinuum-based optical coherence tomography, please find it here. Main contribution Current supercontinuum (SC) -based SD-OCT system cannot be operated in the shot-noise limited area because of its strong pulse-to-pulse relative intensity noise of the supercontinuum source. The authors propose an all-normal dispersion (ANDi) fiber based supercontinuum […]

1 Ultrahigh-resolution, high-speed, Fourier domain optical coherence tomography and methods for dispersion compensation In OCT, dispersion compensation is usually performed by matching the optical materials and path lengths in the two interferometer arms. Dispersion can also be compensated by using numerical techniques. Principle of SD-OCT: The sample is illuminated with broadband light. Backreflected or backscattered […]

我的解决方案: Right-click project Select the Properties Select C/C++ ->General Set Debug Information Format to program Database(/Zi) Check Linker->Debugging->Generate Debug info: Yes. 参考:

今天分享两个工具,用处见标题。 1. engauge-digitizer 项目地址: 优势:图像化界面,manual很清晰(超级简化版Origin?)。 前几天向Thorlabs要了780HP的色散数据,技术人员给了我一张Matlab绘制的图,没给数据,于是我需要自己从图片里提取数据点。 软件里的教程很清楚,也简单易用,这里就不多讲了。 最后提取的数据点可以保存到csv文件。 2. latex2png 项目地址: 优势:简单,会mathtype就行 今天用Illustrator做矢量图,需要在图里加公式字母,我也不想搞一堆代码,编辑ai文件,就StackExchange上找了这个简单好用的工具。具体用法如下: 1) Draw yourgraphs/images in Illustrator. 2) Use Type your latexequation in there, then preview at 800 dpi. 3) Save theimage, then load into Illustrator. 4) When inIllustrator, select your imported equation image and choose Object –> ImageTrace –> Make and Expand. […]